ader lagy syg ! na tau ap ? kne tkan sub yg ade at bawah ney la ! jom intai ! (-:

assalamualaikum to all readers. first of all, thanks for clicking my webpage. this is officially mine, here, there, anywhere is mine. stop judging me or else please get out from here. i'm Nurul Amirah Aatiqah azhanira. you can find me on facebook and ofcourse twitter ( @anakencikZahar ) .

Saturday, April 2


yunima ? apa tu ? tett ! its kind of combination,,, zima + yun = yunima ! ahakz ! i like it la zima syg ! aq rase aq da mule snang dgn khadiran kw zima,,,as mybesfie ! tett ! hahahhaha,,,,sawan kw zima,,,,cett ! kw pham aq,,,klon aq,,,aisseh ! asl bole aje aq ney n,,,sory ta pinggir'n kw,,but,,u r de one who do it,,,now,,u r far from us,,,the imprtnt things in ur life is jerry,,,am i right ? aq syg kw far ! tett ! tpy aq rase kw mmg maken jauh gn aq,,,,taper la,,,as long as kw ta lupe at aq n,,,tapy aq ttap rase tersisih dry life kw,,,knp aq rse mcm ney,,kw ta mcm dulu la far,,boleyh aq tanye knp ?sbb aq skunk duk jb ?,,,bukan bahau,? is that the problem ? tett ! pape pon far,,,aq hop sgt,,,psahabatan kita kekal,,,smpai bila2,,,kw besfie aq yang terbaik aq pnah ad,,,,bila kw mula bawak dry kw dry aq,,,zima tman aq far,,,dgar prob aq,,,mane kw ? lpaz 3 taon kite share prob kite ? knp skunk org lain gnty tmpat kw ?aq sedih ? mmg far,,,lw kw at tmpat aq,,ap kw rase ? dulu,,sush sng aq dgan kw,,,knp skunk sush sng aq sorung ? mne jnji kite far,,aq takan pertikaikan pde kw far,,tpy aq juz ingat aq,,,wlw hakikatnye kw ckp kw sntyase igt aq,,,,lips can tell anything but not heart far,,,klw kw bace entry ney far,,,aq mntk maaf,,sbb aq ta rase aq leyh pker bnde ney sorung2,,,
p/s : anything happen,,u r still my besfie,,,,luv u far !

sye syg awk ! sudda bace comment n klik reaksi kamoo okeyh ! :D

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